
Author: Chris

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top 10 brilliant money-saving tips

Top 10 Brilliant Money-Saving Tips (2023)

If things are a little tight at the end of the month, or you need a little more margin in your spending, chances are you might need to work on saving a bit more. No matter how much you make, we all need to learn

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how to stop being lazy
Personal Growth

How to Stop Being Lazy in 2023 – 7 Steps

“Why am I so lazy?” If you are stuck to a couch, scrolling a phone, feeling a total lack of motivation in life, you might have considered yourself lazy.  And, since we’re living in a hustle culture, you might feel that laziness is something you

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life advice
Personal Growth

Best Advice Ever – EPIC Life Advice for 2023

I was a stupid kid once. I listened to everyone, and since I grew up in a blue-collar world, a lot of the stuff I learned about the world was wrong.  I want to tell you about the best advice ever. Some of the advice

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how to make 200k a year

How to Make 200k a Year – 2023 GUIDE

I sat down to write this article, and honestly was super excited by the prompt. Here’s the thing. I wrote an article a few years back on how to make 100K a year. It was a lot of fun. And I think I had some

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