Coursera vs Udemy — My TOP Pick for 2023!
If you’re looking for an online learning platform that’s worth joining for upskilling and learning new things, you’ve definitely come across Coursera and Udemy. We’re
This page is a compilation of just about everything that can help you on your way to building your career. These are all the resources I love to use for upskilling, building a business, a blog, or anything else you might want to do with it!
This blog only exists because of Skillshare. I learned SEO, Web Design, and more on there, while Carolyne (who designed the Roostervane logo) used it to become a graphic designer. It’s amazing for would-be creatives.
LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda) comes with a LinkedIn premium membership. It has courses on just about anything, and like Skillshare there are some big names among the teachers.
Udemy is a pay-by-the-course platform
Coursera is the online learning platform that looks the most like traditional college, and you can actually take college degrees on it. Add a course from Duke or Stanford to your resume!
DataCamp is the online learning site that’s dedicated to learning all things Data Science. Make the jump into coding and programming.
Cool courses from celebrities, athletes, world leaders, etc.
#1 Software for building and monetizing courses, community, & events.
Best e-commerce site builder.
Course-only tool.
An awesome project management tool. I use it to plan content.
Platform for freelancers to find work.
I discovered this app on the day of my comprehensive exams, and it’s been the single greatest thing of my life. Meditation saved me, and Headspace showed me how.
I built Roostervane on Bluehost, and I love them. Their customer support is fantastic. I totally recommend them for starting a blog or website!
Roostervane is currently hosted on Kinsta. It’s fantastic and fast, but also a little more pricey.
I’ve tried different email software over time. I really believe this is the best and it’s really easy to use.
Roostervane is built on Elementor. It’s a fantastic drag and drop page builder that works with WordPress and makes it really easy to create beautiful pages.
Easy design tool.
ai transcriber I use for my videos
Some of these links pay me a commission if you choose to purchase from them, at no extra cost to you. This supports the work we do here at Roostervane. I (Chris) only recommend things I have used and benefited from.
If you’re looking for an online learning platform that’s worth joining for upskilling and learning new things, you’ve definitely come across Coursera and Udemy. We’re
Collaboration skills are super important for the modern office. Go look at LinkedIn’s top 20 in-demand skills and you’ll see that they make the list
Ahh, the beauty of having in-demand skills. As college enrollment drops–plummeting something like 8% since 2019–it’s clear that we’re linking job success less to degrees
Have you ever imagined to be like to make $10,000 a month? That amount of money would put you into the top percentile of wage
Okay. So if you’re looking at learning new skills, you’ve probably thought about the comparison between Skillshare vs Masterclass. Both platforms seem pretty cool in
Skillshare and LinkedIn Learning are both great online learning platforms that offer a bunch of courses to help people learn new skills and advance their
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