
Author: Chris

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is technology a good career path

Is Technology a Good Career Path? My 2023 Advice

Is technology a good career path? If you’re trying to figure out what to do with your life, you might be considering a career in tech. Technology has a rap for coming with thick salaries and making people rich. It’s also where a lot of

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Is consumer services a good career path (cover image)

Is Consumer Services a Good Career Path? My 2023 Take!

Is consumer services a good career path? Let’s explore this. Consumer services are basically the things consumers… um… consume? When we look at a business that “does something for someone” instead of “sells a product to someone,” we’re looking at consumer services. So–the thing is–answering

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skillshare vs linkedin learning cover image

Skillshare vs LinkedIn Learning: My TOP Pick (2023)

Skillshare and LinkedIn Learning are both great online learning platforms that offer a bunch of courses to help people learn new skills and advance their careers. They both have their own unique features and advantages. I’ve used them both quite a bit. I’ve told the

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rich life

10 Secrets to Live a Rich Life

When I think of the words “rich life”, I think of Ramit Sethi’s work. On his famous blog and in his book, I Will Teach You to Be Rich, Ramit shares a lot of his wisdom around money. In this post, I wanted to share

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how to find a career

How to Find a Career – 7 Simple Steps (2023)

I quit my job today. It was, by all accounts, a good job. I made over six figures. I had benefits. I got to work with big ideas, work on really big international issues, and make people’s lives better. My boss was great. I loved

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side jobs for teachers

11 Perfect Side Jobs for Teachers (2023)

Teachers don’t make enough money. There, I said it. The amount the teachers get paid in the United States is almost criminal. A few years ago, I was interviewing people who were unhappy at work for a book project, and I was surprised by how

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