
Category: Career

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personal value proposition

3 Secrets to Finding Your Personal Value Proposition

How can you find your personal value proposition? Identifying your value proposition will help you focus your career objectives and increase your chances of landing a great job.   But personal value propositions often suck. Most people stick them into a predictable “Objective” section on a

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get a job without a resume

6 HACKS to Get a Job Without a Resume (2023)

Updated February 2, 2023 How can you get a job without a resume?  I was having a conversation this week with someone who’s a fantastic leader in her field. She’s looking for work right now. Halfway through our chat, we had a brief chuckle about finding

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career mistake

The One Career Mistake Everyone Makes (Video)

Do you want to know the biggest career mistake that MOST people make? They don’t have a vision. They stumble through life, walking through whatever door opens, without ever knowing where they’re going. Here’s how to fix that… Video Notes This post contains links to

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careers in psychology

7 Unusual Careers in Psychology

What can you do with a psychology degree? Outside of becoming a counsellor or therapist, careers in psychology can feel a bit like a mystery. This post will give you 7 great possibilities.

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high income skills

12 Best High Income Skills to Teach Yourself (2023)

Updated Aug 18, 2023 Wouldn’t it be nice if every degree or job gave you high-income skills you could apply to the marketplace? Guess what? They freaking don’t! In this post, I’ll show you 12 high income skills you can teach yourself, including one that

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What to Do After Graduating College

What to Do After Graduating College (2023 GUIDE)

Updated February 13, 2023 So you graduated college. Now what the heck are you supposed to do? Figuring out what to do after graduating college is easier said than done. A lot of people think that graduating college means total clarity on where you want to

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is college worth it

Is College Worth It in 2023? Ask These 5 Questions

Are you wondering, “Is college worth it?” As a society, we’re doing some hard thinking about college. And more and more people are coming to the conclusion that the cost of college just might not be worth it. The truth, for me, is that I

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