
Category: Personal Growth

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Personal Growth

Show Up First. Push Yourself Later

Cover photo by Andrea Leopardi on Unsplash Here’s something I realized from the gym. I was never into fitness. Hated it. I remember the one or two times I’d show up, walk around aimlessly, try to curl as much as I could, and give up. 

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trust yourself
Personal Growth

Why You NEED to Trust Yourself

It was one of those stupid “get rich quick” ads online. You know the type. The “I made $5 million last year selling my online course. And you can too!” By God, I clicked so fast. And I signed up for the webinar. And I

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skills vs abilities
Personal Growth

Skills vs Abilities: Here’s The Difference

When we’re talking about personal and professional development, the terms “skills” and “abilities” are often used interchangeably (a bit like Skills vs Strengths). But there’s a clear difference between them. Skills are learned, while abilities are usually more innate. In this article, we’ll break this

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Personal Growth

Why Is Male Success Still a Childless Business?

Cover photo by LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR on Unsplash I wake up at 4:30 a.m. The alarm screams at me and I slam it off, trying not to wake up my wife or—even worse—the kids in the next room. Downstairs. Bleary-eyed. Where the fuck did

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you are stronger than you think
Find Your Direction

11 Clues You Are Stronger Than You Think

When you’ve reached the end. Rock bottom. You feel like it’s time to give up and walk away. And you don’t know if there’s anything else you can do. Sometimes it feels that life is more than you can bear. Sometimes you just want to

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nurture yourself
Personal Growth

7 Underrated Ways to Nurture Yourself (2023)

Is it just me, or is everyone talking about themselves? We are going through a social awakening, and people are changing the way they relate to the world. Frankly, I think we are getting tired of overwork, hustle culture, and missing out on the things

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rich life

10 Secrets to Live a Rich Life

When I think of the words “rich life”, I think of Ramit Sethi’s work. On his famous blog and in his book, I Will Teach You to Be Rich, Ramit shares a lot of his wisdom around money. In this post, I wanted to share

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how to stop being lazy
Personal Growth

How to Stop Being Lazy in 2023 – 7 Steps

“Why am I so lazy?” If you are stuck to a couch, scrolling a phone, feeling a total lack of motivation in life, you might have considered yourself lazy.  And, since we’re living in a hustle culture, you might feel that laziness is something you

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life advice
Personal Growth

Best Advice Ever – EPIC Life Advice for 2023

I was a stupid kid once. I listened to everyone, and since I grew up in a blue-collar world, a lot of the stuff I learned about the world was wrong.  I want to tell you about the best advice ever. Some of the advice

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